Friday, October 03, 2008

7 Killers Down ; 3 More To Go

Seems like I can't survive without posting .
Therefore, I'm breaking my hiatus .
I mean, I'm not very busy and everyone deserves a break .
Anyways, it's time management .
An Area that I totally suck .
and almost put me in danger last Semester .
I dropped a lot !
and surely, I got nagged by my teachers all the way .
I'm hoping for a different results this year even though I'm still slacking .
But not as worse as last time. ( At least I think this way XD ) .
Ok, since I missed a lot from putting my blog on Hiatus for FUN (: .
hehehehe .

Yesterday was normal lessons as usual .
Did D&T Practical for the first 4 periods .
I was late by 8 minutes(ONLY) and the ONLY ONE who brought my bag .
( Can't help not knowing anything ) .
Thanks to Sakinah & Zalilah .
I should have been late by 30 minutes like last time .
( Behold, the wonders of my pen ) .
When I remember that pen story, I totally want to laugh my ass out .
and oh yea, Thanks to YuJing and MianRu that point of them .
Such good in-law and daughter . Give me a grandchild soon (:
Back to that wonderful lesson .
We were going toys. cramps is what they call it .
and guess what, I lost the thing on the top of my cramp .
The one that makes the whole thing nice .
I was totally panicking .
Saying, what if I was 30 min late?
Ah! It was horrifying .
However, I still managed to re-do it and in fact make something nicer .
A 3 heart shape connected to each other using wood .
cutting and sanding it sure is a tough job .
My fingers were totally aching .
and my hair was full of wood dust.
Thanks to my wonderful friends who lend a helping hand,
by taking those dusts carefully and without messing my hair .
Maybe, because they know what will happen if they mess it up. *evil eyes* .
Mother Tongue was normal .
and in fact, I finished the Flour Babies.
What an achievement
Recess was after that followed by Science, Maths and Literature .
I was totally unlucky sitting right in front of the teacher's table .
During Science, Ms Elfi took my paper which I didn't even do .
But luckily, she didn't scold or anything .
I was spared . But anyways, we go through some of it's question .
Maths was as per normal .
and Mr Tan gave us two sets of papers .
Bukit Panjang Gvt High and Ahmad Ibrahim Sec .
I was totally unlucky to be one one the 9 people to get the Bukit Panjang one .
Nevertheless, I also took the Ahmad Ibrahim for practise at home .
After school, we did as per normal .
Go to plaza and go home .
So now, plaza seems to be more boring than usual .
Just imagine, everyday, we keep going that place .
Reached home. Sleep until 9pm and did some history until 2.30am .

Behold, today was our Literature and History Paper.
Both papers is not very tough nor very easy .
Medium perhaps ?
History papers has some terms that I didn't see before .
Like " Define this and that " .
Luckily, it was a 2 marks question only .
Btw, saying only I lost 4 marks already for guessing it's meaning .
and I can forget about taking history next few years .
Seems like my fate is just for Geography .
After the papers ,
AGAIN, walked to plaza .
and along the way saw this Caterpillar
Too bad it hide before I could take a nicer picture.
went to MacDonald first and indeed we enjoyed every single moment of it .
We were laughing our as out as we give each other our PAP, Literature, Biology and 1819s name .
Well, I shall not talk about the PAP and Biology ones to be safe .
Jeichiel as Martin Simon (Lit) and The Sepoy (1819)
Jolene as The Flour Baby (Lit) and William Farquar (1819)
JingWen as Mr Cartright (Lit) and Sultan Hussein (1819)
MeiHong as Dr Feltham (Lit) and Temonggong (1819)
MinHsuan as Simon Martin (Lit) and British (1819)
Zanna as Mrs Martin (Lit) and Sultan Abdul Rahman (1819)
I like our PAP Characters very much .
Even though my character wasn't in PAP anyways .
hahahah .
After laughing and eating in Mac.
We went to the library and again laugh our ass out in a more quiet manner .
also was, always, criticised by N.MEIHONG because of my height .
Perhaps, because, she's taller .
In fact, Zanna also criticised me which don't work because she's much shorter (:
hahahahaha !
I can't much bullying all in one day!
I'm still asking myself why I keep going with them even though they keep bullying me.
Answer: Because I'm having a great time and is laughing too .
But for some reasons, there are "some" things I don't enjoy .
But it's ok, because I can get to give you a little bitter revenge. *Evil Laughter*.

Remedial tomorrow for Maths .
Haix. Wonder if i should go or not?
LOL . Ok, I'm famished .
Sayonara !

HEY! hahah. How dare you read this non-sense?
Tsktsk, just testing.
Anyways, even tough, you write in your smallest,
People still can see it.
If you only know that way then you'll understand.
Tata! Don't read what you're not suppose to read again (:
hehehehe !

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