Friday, September 19, 2008


Was reading a friend's blog and was asked to do this .
I was free so I did it (:

Who was the person who tag you?
Soo Mian Ru

What did you think of the person?
She's CUTE (:

1. Do you eat a lot of fast food?
I don't eat fast food very often.

I prefer my mom's cooking (:

2. Have you kissed anyone in 2008?
Cheek to Cheek you mean ?

3.Were you happy when you woke up today?
I think so? I'm neutral when I woke up .

4.What did you last get upset about?
I'm upset every time . heheh .

5.Do you eat candy on daily basis?
Nah . I don't like candies .

6.What about is your 5th sent message?
I just deleted it a moment ago.

7.Who was the last person you ate with?
JingWen, Jolene, MeiHong, MinHsuan, Tricia and Zanna

8.Who was the first person you took a picture of ?
Perhpas, a better question will who was the last ?

9.When ordering sushi what do you get ?
I get the sushi . durh .

10.Who was the last person you sat next to?
A stranger in the LRT .

11.What were you doing at 10am ?
Doing English Comprehension .

12.Have you changed a lot since summer?
I guess Summer is last June ? Perhaps, yes ?

Everyone change habits .
How many times must I say that ?

13.What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?

14.Where is the place you want to be right now ?
Heaven .

15.When was the last time you cried ?
Tears will be better . I was reading Sakinah's hp .

Too touching )': so I can't help it .

16.What's your favourite songs at the moment ?
Icebox - Omarion

17.what were you doing at 11 last night ?
I was using computer

18.who's near you ?
Nearest is my Mom . about 10 steps away .

19.what were you doing at 5am this morning ?
Dreaming .

20.what's bothering you right now ?
Everything bothers me .

21.who was the last person you talk to on the phone ?
My Mom .

22.whose house did you go to last ?

Blk 208 Petir Road .

23.who honestly knows everything about you?
Perhaps, Meihong .

24.who broke your heart ?
You seriously wanna know?

Beg me first . hehehe .

25.honestly do you love someone very much ?
Yea . I love everyone very much .

26.who was the last person to tell you they love you ?
Perhaps, Darrell . hahahah .

He's my "husband" so called .

27.are you friends with the last person you kissed ?
Meaning ?

28. are there any part of your body that hurt ?
My tooth that aches and Mouth ulcer .

29.In the supermarket the first thing that gets your attention is?
The Sliding Glass Door . cool do you think you are?
Colder than that .

31.drugs are?
Medicine in a good way . and are bad in a bad way .

32.which one do you hate the most?
Which one ? where ?

33.who was the first person to text you today?
Kuya Mark.

34.what was the first thing you did this morning?
Bath .

35. who was the last missed call on your cell phone?
MeiHong last 17/09 .

I dun like missing calls .
Makes me feel guilty .
heheheh .

36. what's the last mistake you made?
Trusting the Wrong people .

I learnt my lesson .

37.what are you listening to right now?
Always Be My Baby - David Cook

38.who was the last person of the opposite sex you had a conversation with?
in msn, Sheng Guan .

39.who was the last person who call you?
My Mom .

40.Is there anything that you want to say to someone special?

Someone special doesn't mean nice things right ?
Applies to everyone who think they are special to me ,
"All the best in everything you do and take care always"

Everyone who saw this and will see this (:

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