Sunday, August 17, 2008

AGAIN it's HER .

I just can't find a way to get rid of her .
Well, I know I can la but I just don't want .
I want to get rid if her fairly .
I will block her soon in msn if I got pissed some more .
SERIOUSLY, she messed with the wrong person .
Thanks to you , my views in your whole cohort change .
I'll change my whole attitude towards your whole cohort .
or maybe not .
I'm maybe just don't care .
ok fine . DON'T care .
you're not that big anyways .
what makes me hate you ?
I just don't want people to talk about me .
or somehow connected to me especially when you are out of my friendship line .
Know your limits please .
Ok. You don't like me either, I know that .
Why ? you Should know yourself better than me .
Anyways, I don't really hate you .
I just hate your actions .
so yea , I won't care you anymore .
I just won't care you .

If you can read the first part , then that's not for you .
Argh . I SHAN'T CARE .
so yea , what now ?
Every time, I see her .
Every time, I see her online .
Everything about her .
Shall not post more about her .
maybe, if we got everything worse , then I'll tell you who is she .
who cares , whatever , anything la .
@#$%^&^%$$#$)&*$%# !

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